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- 10592Afskaf fattigdom (1)
- SDG01021National poverty indicator by area, age, sex, unit and indicator (1995-2021)
- SDG010A2Total government spending on essential services (per cent of total government s) by area and benefits (2005-2020)
- 10585Stop sult (2)
- SDG02031Volume of production per labour unit by classes of farming/pastoral/forestry ent by area and gross yield (2008-2021)
- SDG02032x by area, sex and type (2012-2021)
- SDG02041x by area (2019-2023)
- SDG02051x by area and type (2018-2020)
- SDG02052x by area and type (2018)
- SDG020A1The agriculture orientation index for government expenditures by area (2005-2020)
- SDG020A2Total official flows (official development assistance plus other official flows) by area (2005-2019)
- SDG020C1x by area, type of crop and type (2015-2019)
- 10586Sundhed og trivsel (3)
- SDG03011Deaths of complications of pregnancy, childbirth etc. (per 100,000 live births) by area (2005-2021)
- SDG03021Deaths during first five years of life (per 1,000 live births) by area (2005-2022)
- SDG03022Deaths during first 28 days of life (per 1,000 live births) by area (2005-2022)
- SDG03031New HIV infections (per 1,000 people) by area (1994-2018)
- SDG03032Tuberculosis incidence (per 100,000 people) by area (1994-2018)
- SDG03034Hepatitis B incidence (per 100,000 people) by area (1994-2018)
- SDG03041Deaths (per 100,000 people) by area and cause of death (2005-2021)
- SDG03042Suicides (per 100,000 people) by area (2005-2021)
- SDG03061Deaths in traffic accidents (per 100,000 people) by area (2005-2022)
- SDG03072Adolescent birth rate (per 1,000 women) by area and age (2005-2022)
- SDG03091Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution by area (2016:2018)
- SDG03093Deaths of unintentional poisoning (per 100,000 people) by area (2005-2021)
- SDG030A1Prevalence of current tobacco (per cent) by area and sex (1998-2018)
- SDG030B1Proportion of the target population covered by all vaccines (per cent) by area and type of vaccine (1990-2018)
- SDG030B2x by area (2003-2019)
- 10588Kvalitetsuddannelse (4)
- SDG04011Pupils at the end of primary school achieving at least a minimum proficiency lev by area, subject and sex (2007-2023)
- SDG04022Participation rate in organized learning by area and sex (2017-2018)
- SDG04031youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training (per cent) by area and sex (2007-2016)
- SDG04041Youth and adults with information and communications technology skills (per cent by area, type of qualification and age (2015-2019)
- SDG04051Parity indices (per cent) by area (2010-2022)
- SDG04061People achieving a fixed level of proficiency in funcional literacy and numeracy skills by area, level and sex (2011-2012)
- SDG040B1Volume of official development assistance flows for scholarships by sector and t by area (2010-2019)
- 10589Ligestilling (5)
- SDG05021Women subjected to violence by current or former partner (per cent of popul.) by area and age (2008-2019-2022)
- SDG05022Women subjected to violence by persons other than partner (per cent of popul.) by area and age and place of occurrence (2008-2015-2008-2022)
- SDG0503120-24 year old women, who got married before they reached 18 years (per cent) by area and marital status (2015-2023)
- SDG05041Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work (per cent of the day) by area and sex (1964-2017)
- SDG05051Elected candidates to the Parliament, municipality and region councils by area, result of the election and sex (2018-2022)
- SDG05052Women in managerial positions (per cent) by area, sector and age (2008-2020)
- SDG050A1Share, who use mobile phones or smart phones to access the internet (per cent) by area and type (2010-2019)
- SDG050B1Share, who use mobile phones or smart phones to access the internet (per cent) by area and sex (2016-2021)
- 10608Rent vand og sanitet (6)
- SDG06031x by area (2010-2022)
- SDG06032Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality by water type (2020)
- SDG06041Water use efficiency, value added per water use (index, 2010=100) by area and industry (2010-2022)
- SDG06042Groundwater abstraction as a proportion of groundwater resources (per cent) by area (2010-2022)
- SDG06051Degree of integrated water resources management implementation (per cent) by area (2017-2023)
- SDG06061Change over time in extent of water-related ecosystems (per cent) by area and type of ecosystem (2011-2021)
- 10590Billig og ren energi (7)
- SDG07021Renewable energy's share of total gross energy consumption (1990-2023)
- SDG07031Energy intensity measured in terms of gross energy consumption and GDP by area and unit of measurement (2010-2023)
- SDG070B1Installed renewable energy-generating capacity in developing countries (in watts) by area (2010-2022)
- 10591Anstændigt job og økonomisk vækst (8)
- SDG08011Growth rate of real GDP per capita (per cent) by area (2010-2023)
- SDG08021Growth rate of real GDP per employed person (per cent) by area (2010-2023)
- SDG08041Material footprint by area and indicator (2010-2019)
- SDG08042Domestic material consumption unit of measurement (2010-2022)
- SDG08061Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training by area and age (2009-2019)
- SDG08081Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries by area, type of work-related accident, sex and age (2011-2019)
- SDG08091Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP (per cent) by area (2014-2020)
- SDG080A1Aid for Trade commitments and disbursements by area (2005-2019)
- 10587Industri, innovation og infrastruktur (9)
- SDG09012Passenger and freight volumes by area, unit and mode of transport (2010-2022)
- SDG09021Gross value added in manufacturing as a share of total value added (per cent) by area (2010-2023)
- SDG09022Employment in manufacturing as a share of total employment (per cent) by area (2010-2023)
- SDG09031Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added (per cent) by area (2008-2020)
- SDG09032Proportion of small-scale industries with a loan or line of credit (per cent) by area (2018)
- SDG09041CO2 emission per unit of value added (index, 2010=100) by area and industry (2008-2022)
- SDG09052Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants by area (2005-2022)
- SDG090B1Prop. of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value add (per cent) by area (2008-2021)
- SDG090C1Proportion of population covered by a mobile network (per cent) by area and speed (2016-2022)
- 10652Reducer ulighed (10)
- SDG10011Growth rates of household expenditure or income by area, income group, adjustmnet for negative incomes and average income (2000-2021)
- SDG10021People living below 50 per cent of median income by area, age, sex and unit (2000-2021)
- SDG10041Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers (per cent) by area (2010-2023)
- SDG10051Indicators for financial solidity by area and fiscal Solidity (2010-2022)
- SDG10074x by area (2008-2023)
- SDG100A1x by area, type and income (2012-2019)
- SDG100B1Total resource flows for development, by recipient and donor countries and type by area and fiscal Solidity (2015-2018)
- 10653Bæredygtige byer og samfund (11)
- SDG11021Population that has convenient access to public transport (per cent) by area, level of service , sex and age (2019-2023)
- SDG11031Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate (per cent) by area and unit of measurement (2016-2021)
- SDG11041Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage by type and sector (2017-2022)
- SDG11062Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter in cities (pop. weighted) (µg/m3) by area and unit of measurement (2010-2021)
- SDG11071x by type (2020)
- 10654Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion (12)
- SDG12041x by area (2014-2019)
- SDG12042Hazardous waste generated per capita and proportion of hazardous waste treated by area and unit of measurement (2011-2021)
- SDG12051National recycling rate, tons of material recycled by area and unit of measurement (2011-2021)
- SDG120A1Installed renewable energy-generating capacity in developing countries (in watts) by area (2010-2022)
- 10655Klimaindsats (13)
- SDG13022Total greenhouse gas emissions per year by area (1990-2021)
- SDG130A1Amounts provided and mobilized in United States dollars per year in relation to by area and type (2018-2020)
- 10656Livet i havet (14)
- SDG14011x by area and region (2010-2021)
- 10657Livet på land (15)
- SDG15011Forest area as a proportion of total land area (per cent) by area (2006-2018)
- SDG15012Important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity (per cent) by area and type of ecosystem (2010-2022)
- SDG15021x by type (2008-2019)
- SDG15051Red List Index by area (2010-2019)
- SDG150A1x by area and type (2002-2018)
- 10658Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner (16)
- SDG16011Victims of intentional homicide (per cent of population) by area, sex and age (2005-2022)
- SDG16014People, who feel safe walking alone around the area the (per cent of population) by area (2013-2023)
- SDG16022Victims of human trafficking (per 100,000 people) by area and sex, age and form of exploitation (2007-2022)
- SDG16031Victims of violence who have reported their victimizat (per cent) by area (1995-2022)
- SDG16032Unsentenced detainees (per cent of overall prison population) by area (2012-2022)
- SDG16061Primary government expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget, by by area (2015-2020)
- 10659Globale partnerskaber (17)
- SDG17011Total government revenue (per cent of GDP) by area and source (2005-2020)
- SDG17012Proportion of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes (per cent) by area (2005-2020)
- SDG17021Net official development assistance, total and to least developed countries by area and type of social assistance (2000-2004-2017)
- SDG17031Foreign direct investment (FDI), official development assistance and South-South by area (2005-2017)
- SDG17032Volume of remittances (in United States dollars) as a proportion of total GDP by area (2010-2019)
- SDG17041Debt service as a proportion of exports of goods and services by area (2005Q1-2019Q4)
- SDG17062Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions (per cent) by area (2016-2020)
- SDG17071Total amount of approved funding for developing countries by area (2016-2017)
- SDG17091Dollar value of financial and technical assistance by area (2014-2019)
- SDG17131Macroeconomic dashboard by area and macroeconomic (2010-2023)
- SDG17191Dollar value - all resources - to strengthen stat. capacity in dev. countries by area (2014-2021)
- 10754Virksomheder-Pilot
- SDGV01x (2019)
- SDGV02x by foreign activity and focus on the SDGs (2019)
- SDGV03x (2019)
- SDGV04x (2019)
- SDGV05x (2019)
- SDGV06x (2019)
- SDGV07x (2019)
- SDGV08x (2019)
- SDGV09x (2019)
- SDGV10x (2019)
- SDGERH01x by industry (2010-2021)
- SDGERH02x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH03x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH04x by industry (2012-2022)
- SDGERH05x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH06x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH07x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH08x by industry (2011-2021)
- SDGERH09x by industry (2010-2021)
- SDGERH10x by industry and sex (2013-2022)
- SDGERH11x by industry and type (2013-2022)
- SDGERH12x by industry and type (2014-2021)
- SDGERH13x by industry and type (2013-2022)
- SDGERH55x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH66x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH77x by industry (2010-2022)
- SDGERH88x by industry (2011-2021)
- 10755Virksomheder-Statistik
- SDGSV01Enterprises share of Gross Domestic Production (GDP), 2010-prices by industry (2010-2018)
- SDGSV02Enterprises number of R & D personel (Annual work units) by industry (2010-2016)
- SDGSV03Corporation tax by industry (2010-2017)
- SDGSV04Enterprises emission of green house gasses (Co2-equivalents) by industry (2010-2017)
- SDGSV05Enterprises use of energy (gross) by industry (2010-2017)
- SDGSV06Enterprises production of waste, the reuse by industry (2011-2015)
- SDGSV07Enterprises compensation of staff in non-managerial positions by industry and sex (2014-2017)
- SDGSV08Enterprises managerial boards, members by industry and sex (2017)
- 10790Vores mål
- VM010101Homelessness in Denmark by region (2015-2022)
- VM010201Proportion living below the absolute poverty line by region (2015-2022)
- VM010202Proportion of the population with material wants by deprivation measure (2015-2022)
- VM010203Proportion of persons in the low-income group by number of years (2015-2022)
- VM010301Proportion of the working-age population on social security benefits by type of benefits (2007-2022)
- VM010302. Proportion of the population of working age on long-term social security benef by duration (2011-2022)
- VM010401The distribution of net wealth for the adult over the age of 18 by size of wealth (2014-2022)
- VM010501Proportion of the population (16-64 years) who are members of an unemployment in by region (2008-2022)
- VM020202Dietary patterns by sex and dietary pattern (2013-2021)
- VM020203Proportion of the population with poor physical health by sex and age (2013-2021)
- VM02021AProportion of the population that is underweight or overweight by sex and group of weight (2013-2021)
- VM02021BProportion of children in different weight categories by school level and group of weight (2015-2021)
- VM020401Trends in agricultural sustainability by type of components (2015-2020)
- VM020402Proportion of registered pig and broiler hen producers, by the three levels of t by producers and level (2017-2022)
- VM020403Consumption of antibiotics in agricultural production of pigs and cattle (active by animal (2015-2021)
- VM02051ARequests and distribution of genetic resources from NordGen by type (2015-2021)
- VM02051BRequests relative to distributions of genetic resources from NordGen by region (2015-2021)
- VM030101BMI among pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy by BMI (2015-2021)
- VM030201Birth weight for live-born babies by weight of birth (2008-2018)
- VM030202Proportion of pregnant women who are smokers by status of smoking (2015-2021)
- VM030301Number of hospital-acquired infections by type of infection (2015-2021)
- VM030302Proportion of influenza-related deaths by region (2015-2022)
- VM030401Number of persons per 1,000 inhabitants who use psychotropic drugs by age and sex (2014-2021)
- VM030403Proportion of cancer patients who survive cancer by time of survival (2006:2008-2018:2020)
- VM030501Proportion of 16-24-year-olds who tried one or more of the various illegal drugs by type of substance (2013-2021)
- VM030503Proportion of the population that exceeds the Danish Health Authority¿s recommen by sex (2013-2021)
- VM030504Age at alcohol debut by sex and alcohol debut (2014-2018)
- VM030701Incidence of sexually transmitted diseases among 15-24-year-olds by sex and disease (2015-2022)
- VM030702Number of approved new civil registration numbers in relation to legal gender re by region (2015-2022)
- VM030704Number of induced abortions by age (2015-2018)
- VM030802Number of filled antibiotic prescriptions per 1,000 inhabitants by sex (2015-2021)
- VM030803Number of general practitioners per 100,000 inhabitants by region (2014-2018)
- VM03081ANumber of boys that received a vaccine against HPV, the number of boys in the re by type (2019)
- VM03081BThe proportion of boys that has received a vaccine against HPV by region (2019)
- VM030901Number of reported occupational injuries due to poisoning by age (2015-2021)
- VM030902Number of premature deaths due to air pollution by region (2015-2018)
- VM030A01The prevalence of tobacco smoking by sex and status of smoking (2015-2020)
- VM030A02Proportion of smokers who participate in a quit-smoking programme by region (2015-2020)
- VM030B01Proportion of the population vaccinated against seasonal influenza by sex and age (2015-2021)
- VM040101x by education (2010-2023)
- VM040102Subject-qualified teaching in primary and lower secondary school by subject (2012:2013-2021:2022)
- VM040103Well-being of primary and lower secondary students by wellbeing (2014:2015-2020:2021)
- VM040201x by positions category (2017-2021)
- VM040301x by sex (2010-2023)
- VM040302x by sex (2008-2017)
- VM040401Results from the ICILS survey of 8th grade students by level (2013-2018)
- VM040501x by the parents level of education (2010-2023)
- VM040701x by sex (2015/2016-2021/2022)
- VM040A01Proportion of students in higher education who feel lonely or stressed by wellbeing, education and frequency (2018-2021)
- VM040A02Average well-being score for students in upper secondary education by wellbeing (2018-2021)
- VM040A03Proportion of primary and lower secondary school students who have been bullied by class (2014:2015-2020:2021)
- VM040A04Students¿ use of IT for schoolwork by purpose (2018)
- VM040B01x by region (2015-2019)
- VM05011AGender discrimination cases upheld by the Board of Equal Treatment by type (2015-2021)
- VM05011BProportion of gender discrimination cases upheld by the Board of Equal Treatment by region (2015-2021)
- VM050202x by region (2015-2019)
- VM050203. Proportion of persons having experienced sexual harassment, physical violence by type of harassment and sex (2012-2021)
- VM050301x by ancestry (2017-2019)
- VM050501Proportion of female professors, associate professors and assistant professors by type of job (2015-2020)
- VM05061ATotal number of students in primary and lower secondary school by type (2016-2021)
- VM05061BProportion of primary and lower secondary school students enrolled in the Uge Se by region (2016-2021)
- VM050A02Proportion of self-employed among employees by sex (2008-2021)
- VM050B01x by type (2015-2021)
- VM050C01Share of bills that have been relevance tested and gender equality assessed by assessment (2014:2015-2020:2021)
- VM060101xxx by region (2015-2022)
- VM060102Quality of the drinking water by main type (2014-2022)
- VM060103Proportion of samples from the extraction wells that exceed the Danish Environme by pollution (2015-2022)
- VM060104xxx by region (2015-2021)
- VM060201Proportion of students in primary and lower secondary school responding that toi by class (2014:2015-2021:2022)
- VM060301Amount of nutrients discharged from wastewater treatment plants by nutrients (2015-2021)
- VM06032APesticide use in agriculture, forestry and horticulture by region (2012:2013-2020:2021)
- VM06032BPesticide use by households by moss killer (2015-2020)
- VM06032C. Pesticide use by the public sector by sector (2013-2020)
- VM060402Trend in water loss in the water supply system by source (2015-2022)
- VM060501Amount of nitrogen and phosphorus discharged into Danish waters by nutrients (2015-2021)
- VM060601Area of section 3-protected habitats by region (1996-2019)
- VM070101Dwellings with oil burner by region (2010-2023)
- VM070102Number of interruptions in the electricity supply of households (2017-2022)
- VM070201x by industry (2015-2022)
- VM070202Share of total energy consumption from renewable energy sources by purpose (2015-2021)
- VM070203CO2 emissions per kilowatt hour by type of energy (2015-2022)
- VM070301x by region (2015-2022)
- VM070A01x by technology (2017-2022)
- VM080102x by industry (2015-2022)
- VM080103x by industry (2015-2022)
- VM080201x by industry (2015-2021)
- VM080202x by type (2015-2021)
- VM08023ARanking of the business climate in Denmark based on the World Bank Ease of Doing by region (2015-2020)
- VM08023BDenmark¿s business climate score, selected areas by type (2015-2020)
- VM080301x by region (2015-2020)
- VM080302x by region (2015-2020)
- VM08041AArea consumed (ecological footprint) in global hectares per capita by area (2015-2018)
- VM08041BPer capita area a consumed and available (ecological footprint and biocapacity) by area (2015-2018)
- VM080501x by sector (2014-2021)
- VM080601Proportion of unemployed recent graduates by type of education (2015-2016)
- VM080802. Employees¿ assessment of the prioritisation of the working environment by the by assessment (2014-2018)
- VM08081ATotal number of occupational accidents per 100 full-time equivalent employees by industry (2015-2021)
- VM08081BTotal number of accidents at work per 100 full-time equivalent employees by sex (2015-2021)
- VM08083AFrequency of stress experienced in the past two weeks by assessment (2014-2018)
- VM08083BMain sources of stress for those who ¿always¿ feel stressed by source (2014-2018)
- VM080901Number of hotels and resorts with Green Key certification by region (2019M01-2022M12)
- VM090101Total electricity generation by brændsel (2015-2022)
- VM090102Punctuality of long-distance, regional and local trains by form of transportation (2016-2023)
- VM090103 Experienced quality and efficiency of the infrastructure in Denmark by infrastructure (2018-2019)
- VM090201x by industry (2015-2022)
- VM090202x by industry (2015-2022)
- VM090401x by industry and type of emission (2015-2021)
- VM090501x by industry (2015-2021)
- VM090503x by region (2015-2020)
- VM090C01x by region (2015-2023)
- VM090C02x by region (2015-2024)
- VM100101x by decile average (2015-2021)
- VM100201x by candidates (2013-2022)
- VM100202x by candidates (2013-2022)
- VM100203x by candidates and highest education completed (2015-2022)
- VM100204x by ancestry (2016-2020)
- VM100301x by Income decil as 10 years old and income decil as 35 years old (2015-2022)
- VM110102x by decile average (2015-2022)
- VM110202Proportion of people who can easily use bus and train services, even when there by disability (2012-2020)
- VM110301Number of DGNB-certified buildings and urban areas in Denmark by type of real estate and certification (2015-2023)
- VM110302Average labels across building categories by type of building (2015-2023)
- VM110601x by region (2013-2020)
- VM110603x by type (2015-2023)
- VM110604x by sector (2015-2023)
- VM11062AProportion of recycled household waste relative to the total amount of household by region (2013-2020)
- VM11062BProportion of waste by kind of treatment (2015-2021)
- VM11071APerceived safety of public spaces by perceived safety (2015-2022)
- VM11071BPerceived safety of public spaces in particularly vulnerable residential areas by perceived safety (2015-2022)
- VM110A01x by education (2015-2023)
- VM120101Proportion of foodstuffs exceeding maximum residue levels of substances that pos by region (2015-2020)
- VM120201xxx by type (2015-2022)
- VM120202xxx by region (2015-2020)
- VM120203Number of earths that the citizens in Denmark consume in one year by region (2015-2024)
- VM120301Average food waste per person per week for single family homes and apartments by type of dwelling (2011-2022)
- VM120302Food waste in Danish sectors by region and sector (2018-2024)
- VM120401xxx by region (2018-2021)
- VM120501xxx by industry (2011-2021)
- VM120503Supply of packaging by type of material (2014-2021)
- VM120701xxx by region (2017-2022)
- VM120801xxx by region (2011-2021)
- VM130101. Number of municipalities with expected property damage costs of more than DKK by type (2016)
- VM130103xxx by region (2015-2021)
- VM13012ANumber of claims paid out for damage resulting from extreme weather by type of injury (2015-2021)
- VM13012BAmount paid out by insurance companies for damage resulting from extreme weather by type of injury (2015-2021)
- VM130301Trends in the population¿s attitude to and actions associated with the climate by question (2015-2022)
- VM130A01The evolution of greenhouse gas emissions and the path to the goal of a reductio by discharge (2015-2030)
- VM140102xxx by region (2015-2021)
- VM140103Concentration of metals in marine sediment by type of metal (2004:2012)
- VM14011ALevels of nitrogen and phosphorus in fjords, coastal waters and open inner wat by water type and nutrients (2015-2020)
- VM14011BLevels of silicon in fjords, coastal waters and open inner waters by water type and nutrients (2015-2020)
- VM140201The extent of oxygen depletion in inner Danish waters by extent (2017M07-2021M10)
- VM140202Depth limit of eelgrass in inner Danish waters by water type (2015-2020)
- VM140203xxx by region (2015-2021)
- VM140401xxx by region (2017-2018)
- VM140B01Proportion of small fishing vessels relative to the total fleet of active fishin by length (2015-2021)
- VM150101Proportion of Natura 2000 areas relative to Denmark¿s total areal by region (2011-2018)
- VM150102Fulfilment of targets for lakes and watercourses by water type (2014:2018)
- VM15021ATotal forest and protected forest areas in Denmark by type of forest (2015-2020)
- VM15021BArea of sustainability-certified forests in Denmark by certification (2020-2022)
- VM150501xxx by region (2015-2021)
- VM150502xxx by region (2010-2019)
- VM150503Area virgin forest and biodiversity forest by type of forest and sector (2016-2022)
- VM150701xxx by region (2015-2021)
- VM150801Number of invasive species by type (2020-2022)
- VM160102x by sex (2007:2009-2018:2020)
- VM160201x by region (2015-2022)
- VM160202x by region (2015-2020)
- VM160303x by region (2015-2020)
- VM16031ANumber of cases received at the district courts by region (2015-2019)
- VM16031BAverage case-processing time at the district courts by region (2015-2019)
- VM16032ANumber of long-term pre-trial detentions by region (2015-2020)
- VM16032BProportion of long-term pre-trial detentions by region (2015-2020)
- VM160401x by region (2015-2021)
- VM160501x by region (2015-2021)
- VM160601Proportion of the population that is satisfied with and trust Danish institution by institution (2016-2021)
- VM160701x by type of election (2013-2022)
- VM160B01Number of cases heard by the Equal Treatment Board by type of case (2017-2019)
- VM161001x by type of decision (2015-2022)
- VM170302x by region (2015-2021)
- VM17031AForeign direct investment in developing countries and least developed countries by type of country (2015-2018)
- VM17031BForeign direct investment in developing countries and least developed countries by region (2015-2018)
- VM170401x by type (2016-2022)
- VM171101x by type (2015-2022)
- VM171501Denmark¿s ranking on the Commitment to Development Index and scores for the seve by rank and category (2020-2021)
- VM171701Number of Danish members of the UN Global Compact by organisation (2015-2022)
- VM171702Proportion of the universities¿ research collaboration agreements by collaborator (2015-2021)
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